Body Enhance Treatments
We offer a variety of treatments at Body Enhance Aesthetics, using laser, the new HIEMT and High Intense Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). All from a comfortable and confidential enviroment in our home based clinic within Milton Keynes. We achieve long lasting, effective and aesthetically pleasing results for our clients at affordable prices. Fully qualified, trained and insured with 10+ years experience in the industry.
Not sure what is best for you?
Body Enhance prides itself on honesty. If I feel you cannot realistically achieve the results from the chosen treatment for what ever reason (medical condition, medication etc) or there is a better alternative for you. I would advise even if this is to no financial gain to my business. The aesthetics industry of late has become extremely greedy and selfish. Clinics booking clients for treatments they either do not need or they are not suitable for just to get the money.
If you are unsure about the treatment you are considering for what ever reason or its a toss up between this or another then please feel free to contact me for a chat and I will give you honest guidance and or suitable alternatives to consider. This also applies to treatments I do not offer - I pride myself in an understanding of all treatments offered in the industry, even those I do not offer as I like to be aware of all the pros and cons to each alternative available to be able to share the knowledge so you can make an informed decision that is best for you.
Did you know that the British Beauty & Aesthetics industry is currently unregulated, this is allowing for many rogue traders and under qualified people offering treatments. Body Enhance is a proud member of the British Beauty Council who is pushing for both regulations and legislations to be put in place within the industry in the UK.
Body Enhance does not offer injectable treatments and has no plan to in the future.