Laser Thread Vein Removal
Thread veins (also known as 'spider veins') are extremely common affecting 1 in 3 women. These are sometimes embarrassing, mostly affecting the face, body and legs. The causes of thread veins are still somewhat unknown although it is thought they may be caused by changes in temperature, smoking, hormonal changes, alcohol and prolonged standing as well as being a possible inherited condition.
Body Enhance offers thread vein removal with the use of Q switch Nd:YAG Laser.
Treatment is advised sooner rather than later. Smaller thread veins are easy to treat. Later on they can be more difficult. Younger women could save themselves a great deal of time, trouble and expense if they opt for early treatment.
The Treatment
Before the Treatment
Your first discussion should clearly set out your expectations.
A medical history will be taken to ensure your suitability for this form of treatment. You will also be requested to read detailed information and sign a consent form at this time to ensure that you have understood the potential benefits and risks associated with the laser procedure.
Photographs may also be taken for a "before and after" comparison at a later date.
During the Treatment
You will be required to wear eye protectors for all laser procedures.
You may experience a slight stinging sensation when the flash of light is delivered to the treated area.
The entire procedure may last fifteen minutes to half an hour dependent on the type and extent of the skin problem treated.
Repeat treatments may be necessary dependent upon the extent of the veins being treated.
It is very important that you follow the advice of your Practitioner carefully after any laser treatment to aid success and reduce the risk of complications. Aftercare information will be provided at your initial consultation so you can book your appointment at a time that fits with the advice given. This will be provided again, in writing at the time of your treatment.
You should not expose the treated area treated to the sun without a sunscreen for at least 2 weeks to reduce the risk of increasing pigmentation (or discolouration) in that area. A high factor sun block should be used daily to protect the skin.
What are thread veins?
Thread veins are tiny blood vessels which run close to the surface of
the skin and look like fine red, or sometimes purple, wiggly lines. They are also sometimes called 'spider veins' or 'broken veins', although the veins aren't infact broken but only slightly enlarged. The medical term for them is telangiectasia.
Who gets them?
Almost all of us as we age. Around one in five women in their 20s have thread veins, a figure that rises to around half by the age of forty and continues to increase. By the age of 70 over 70 per cent of women have some thread veins.
How does Laser Thread Vein Removal work?
Lasers are used to target and break down the unwanted red veins through a process called photothermolysis. The laser is administered in short bursts to avoid harming the skin.
How will I feel during the treatment?
You may experience some minor discomfort with laser treatment, but generally laser treatment are safe and painless.
Although laser destroys tissue by heat you will not feel any burning or pain. Each pulse is less than one thousandth of a second and the laser only works on the unwanted vein leaving other skin untouched. The sensation of a laser is often described as similar to a rubber band pinging against your skin.
What happens after Laser Thread Vein Removal?
You may notice some swelling or slight bruising but this is temporary and fades to reveal your newly clear skin. Most clients will be able to return to work immediately following the treatment.
How many treatments are needed?
On average one to three, but more may be necessary, dependent on the number of veins, their size and location. Treatments are spaced about eight weeks apart, so it may take more than six months to achieve the final result. Start now if you would like better looking legs this summer.
How successful is it?
You need to have realistic expectations. Some thread veins can be quite difficult to treat because they don't always run obligingly parallel to the skin surface. Some are like big dippers they go up and down and a laser light doesn't always penetrate deeply enough to destroy them. Veins in the lower part of the leg, particularly the ankle area, are more difficult to treat than those on the thighs. It is not normally possible to get rid of all the veins, but around 90 per cent clearance is common.
What about treatment for broken veins on the face?
Laser can treat the very fine veins that can appear on the nose, cheeks and chin and it's usually very successful.
Who should not have Laser Treatment for Pigmented & Vascular Problems?
Clients generally not suitable for any form of light treatment are those who have a history of skin sensitivity to light or scarring problems, an active herpes (cold sores) infection or other skin infections such as impetigo at the site to be treated.
Darker skin, or recently tanned skin, may not be suitable for treatment.
Your Practitioner will advise you about this if you have a darker complexion.
Clients who have used isotretinoin in the past year would also not be suitable candidates.
Can you treat Varicose veins?
No, you must see your doctor for treatment of veins that are raised out of the skin.
Cost of Treatment?
Costs of treatment vary, please see price tab for pricing.